When you travel to Germany it is not enough to learn the language and about the history. Also you have to know a few regional peculiarities.
There are a few bizarre laws and conventions that might surprise you. You may experience unfamiliar traffic patterns and cultural customs that startle you at first sight. However, many of them convey an impression of the history and values of a region.
The same applies to many laws of Germany. They may seem ridiculous at first, but if you look at them more carefully, there are certain intentions behind them. Here are 10 things you should not do when traveling to Germany …
1Never drink without a toast

As in almost all regions of the world, there is not only a food culture in Germany, but drinks are also associated with certain rituals or ceremonies.
So it is considered a bad form to take the first sip at a leisurely get-together without first pronouncing a toast. It is usually enough just to say „cheers“ (Prost!) and knocking together the glasses of others in your company before you drink.
However, be careful to keep eye contact when you bump it, otherwise it should bring bad luck.
Another peculiarity that you can observe in the south of Germany is to put the full beer mug back on the table after toasting. But there are many adventurous anecdotes about the reason for this custom …